Loft Oblečení Haul Jaro 2016

Přijetí pauzy od japonského sloupku dnes. V loftu jsem nekupoval ve věku. Po uzavření mého předchozího šatníku Staple Store, Jacoba, obrátil jsem se k podkroví pro můj hodně mého oblečení. Minulý týden, zatímco zabíjení času v obchoďáku čeká na přítele, rozhodl jsem se zastavit do podkroví a vyšel jsem se 4 ks.

Berry Shirred Utility halenka – $ 69.50

Lidé vždy komentují, že nemám dostatek barvy, takže jak o tomto stínu vermilionu?

Polka Dot Oříznout Cardigan – $ 59.50 (plus 50% sleva = 29,75 dolarů)

Všechny pravidelné oceněné vrcholy byly dostanete jeden 50%, takže jsem využil dohodu s těmito 2 položky.

Povlečení bavlněného svetr v pláží Khaki – $ 49.99 (plus 40% sleva = 29,99 dolarů)

Miluji hi-lo lem! A můžu to oblékat nahoru nebo dolů v závislosti na tom, co ho spáruji. Našel jsem to na clearance stojanu, takže to bylo další 40%.

Šřikovací tužka sukně v černém – $ 39.99 (plus 40% sleva = $ 23.99)

Našel jsem to jeho osamělý na stojanu na clearance a v mé velikosti! Celkové skóre s dalšími 40% slevy.

Miluji, že Loft nese velký výběr Petitů – škrty mě hodí mnohem hezčí. Jste fanouškem podkroví? Udělali jste v poslední době nějaké oblečení?

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Stejně jako načítání …


Náhodný make-up haul: nakupující, rexall, tváře, usmála, že jsi nemocný z mých tahů, že? Je mi líto, ale uvědomujete si, že leden nemá žádný měsíc, a já jsem právě přišel z celoročního suchého kouzla, takže každý make-up položka vypadala mocné lákavé. Toto je poslední z lednového tahů (dokud nedostanu položky, které jsem si objednal …
9. února 2016 ‘Beauty ”

Halní 2017 – make-up a pleywewhen se na to všechno dohromady dohromady, jako tohle, myslím, že jsem dostal trochu odnesen s make-upem tahání … ale když se tady trochu vyzvedne trochu, trochu tam se nezdá být Je to tak moc! 😉 Nebyl jsem schopen jít na aktuální boxerský den …
25. ledna 2017In “krása”

Procházky 2018 – Post-Holiday Salesi know, já vím. Právě jsem poslal o make-up decluttering a tady jsem, ukazující věci, které přidávám k mému hromadu. Nikdy jsem neřekl, že už nemám nakupovat! (Prostě jsem dělal místo? Tento…
22. ledna 2018 ‘krása “

Neděle s kartami kočka, make-up a krása blog maskot, sv. 644

Jako kočička Supermodel, Purrfessional sportovec, filantrop a módní ikona, záložky vzkvétaly v divoké zuřivě báječnosti. Dominoval téměř každému úsilí, ušetřit jeden – věd. Academia nebyla jeho Forte.

Nicméně, vypadající báječná.



On také jednal na straně, vydělávat první z mnoha ocenění Cat Academy za jeho nýtovací purrrformance v “Tabby Wall Street.”

Samozřejmě to bylo modelování, které ho opravdu dal na mapu.

A pak, jakmile dosáhl Superstardom, se snažil podělit se o své znalosti s up-a-bledajícími lidmi a kočkami.

Dr. Rosie byl zaměstnancem záložek Cat Industries LLC o něco více než rok teď, a zatímco ona nemusí být tak vášnivý o koťinském modelování, protože karty bylo, určitě má svůj vlastní smysl pro styl.

Dr. Rosie, PhD

Jako společnost Sr. kvantový fyzik tráví dny v laboratoři. Její oděv není typicky Flamboyant, ale tady má nošení nové bezpečnostní odznak. To je to, co jí dostane do vrcholové úrovně tajné Gravy výzkumu v ústředí společnosti.


Nikdy nikde bez jejího bezpečnostního odznaku. ?

Vaše přátelské sousedství krásy závislý,


Neděle s kartami kočka, make-up a krása blog maskot, sv. 688

Chtěla udělat něco zvláštního. Rosie – chtěla udělat něco zvláštního pro zaměstnance karet Kočičí průmysl, LLC. Od té doby převzala otěže z karet, Rosie chtěla ukázat personál, jak moc je oceňuje. To jsou těžké časy a ona je tak pyšná na každého.

Takže letos se rozhodla vytáhnout všechny zastávky s vánoční party pro věky! Záložky by byl ohromen.


Za prvé, večer začal s holografickými řeči na karty sám! Dříve zaznamenal řadu ted mluví, včetně jednoho na udržení pozitivního odrůda tváří v tvář nepřízni, takže je to, co jsme ukázali.

Bylo to skvělé! Technologie byla docela neuvěřitelná. Bylo to stejně jako samotné karty řešil tým.

Poté, co všichni zamířili do firemní auditorium pro oficiální vánoční perk prezentaci. Tento rok, Rosie dala každému $ 9,000 bonus! Navíc, každá jednotlivá kočka a člověk dostal vánoční šunku, Turecko, extra velké plechovky z omáčky a jejich výběr vánoční svetr nebo vzduchový fritéza.

Slavnosti zabalené na hlavní trávník s odrazem domu!


Yup, to bylo docela neuvěřitelné. Jsem velmi hrdý na to, že jsem zaměstnancem této společnosti.

Vaše přátelské sousedství krásy závislý,


Collab: $20 makeup challenge

When my blogging buddy MyStyleInsideOut (formally known as FilipinoInsideOut) tweeted if anybody was interested in doing a $20 drugstore makeup challenge, I jumped at the opportunity! Jak víte, únor je první z mého low-nákup měsíce na rok 2016. Můj rozpočtový limit je 50 dolarů za měsíc. We chose to hash out the details of this challenge:
• $20 before taxes (when she asked if the $20 challenge to be before or after taxes, I laughed and laughed and said it has to be before taxes – we pay 13% tax here [I am in Toronto, Canada] and there’d be no way I could manage $20 after taxes – as it is, it will still be quite a challenge.)
• makeup items only – skincare and brushes not included
• should be a full face of makeup

Zde je to, co jsem dostal:

I’ve seen the $20 makeup challenge on various YouTube videos and blogs so I knew some strategies. My plan of attack was to find items that could be multi-purpose.

My first stop was Winners but I was sorely disappointed. In my mind, I thought I’d be able to pick up some makeup items for $5 or less but there weren’t numerous options. I saw some palettes from the brand “Max makeup Cherimoya” which I’ve discovered has been popping up at Winners lately. but they were all between $10-15. That would really eat into my $20 budget! So I went to the lowest extreme end of where to purchase makeup: Dollarama, which is Canada’s major dollar store.  I was able to score this 15 eye shadow collection by a brand named Mariposa for only $3!

There were at least 5 different colour combinations of these palette collections available and I settled on this one because it contained both shimmer and matte shades, and I thought possibly the matte brown powders could double as brow powder or liner.  In addition, there are rosy tones in the middle palette could possibly be used as blush.

I also picked up the wet n Wild MegaProtein mascara for $3 at Dollarama.

My next stop was Walmart. I don’t frequent Walmart because it’s not close to where I live, and generally, I don’t delight in the shopping experience. So I beelined for the cosmetics department, honing on wet n Wild and NYC displays. nyc [turned out to be] much more expensive than I remember it to be… so more Wet n Wild to the rescue: I got 2 color icon Kohl liner Pencils (Taupe of the Mornin’, and pretty in Mink) in a 2 for $3 deal.  I planned to mix the 2 shades for my brows, and the dark brown to line my upper lash line.

At Walmart I also got a MegaLast Lip color for $2.84. sadly many of the shades were out of stock – I was eyeing 3 available options: Mocha-licious, Spiked With Rum, or red wine Room. My instinct was to get red wine room which was a MLBB type of shade, but instead I went with Mocha-licious, which is a mauvey brown that’s very on trend a la 90’s lips. I’ve because learned that it’s a dupe to MAC’s Verve, which is described by MAC as “Muted brownish-plum”.

I was stumped for a base product – drugstore foundations are at least $10 here and the dollar stores don’t carry foundations. In the end, it was sheer luck that I stumbled on the W7 HD foundation at Winners, for $5 only!  There was just one shade available: Buff. It wanted to have a good under tone and I’m often the shade “Buff” in drugstore foundations (but I’ve because learned that Buff is the lightest shade available within this range… so it might be too light for me).

Finally, I needed a face powder and chose to go to one of Toronto’s discount institutions: truthful Ed’s. For those not familiar, you can read about it here.  It’s a kitschy shopping experience – everything is covered in a layer of dust and all the signs are hand-drawn – it’s sad that the store will be closing at the end of this year for a condo development.  I went to truthful Ed’s because I knew they carried LA Color, and I snagged a for $1.99.

I also chose to get a concealer after all – I’d originally planned to do without for this challenge but the concealer was only $1.99.

My grand total:
• Mariposa eyeshadow palettes $3
• wet n Wild mascara $3
• wet n Wild eyeliner pencils 2 for $3
• wet n Wild MegaLast Lip color $2.84
• W7 HD foundation $4.99
• LA color pressed powder $1.99
• LA color concealer $1.99

Total: $20.81

I went over by $0.81 – I probably shouldn’t have purchased the concealer!

Now for the true test, wearing this makeup on my face!  First, I ought to get this out of the way: every item I picked up was made in China. I’m not a big fan of makeup made in China but I’m not entirely opposed to them (I mostly get angry when expensive brands have their products made in China and sell at huge markups). If given the option, I wouldn’t seek out makeup made in China. But, because I was quite challenged in finding inexpensive makeup for this exercise, I had little choice.  I applied the makeup for a weekend, and here are my impressions:

Ariposa eye shadow in Collection Mimosa
I’m actually quite amazed with these. The shimmery shades do have an over-spray but thecolours below are pretty.  They are a tad powdery so there is a bit of fall out.  And while they’re pigmented, they do tend to blend away to nothing quite easily.  Over a primer, I experienced some fading by the end of the day.  Here are the shades I used for my look:

The mid-tone brown (2) all over the lid, the deep brown (1) along the lash line and outer “v”, the matte pinky taupe shade (3) as my transition / blending shade, then a champagne highlight (4) for brow bone and inner eye area. I used the medium shimmery pink shade (5) as my blush and the hint of shimmer offered a highlighted appearance – this lasted all day on my cheeks.

Bonus: here are all of the eye shadows swatched from the 3 palettes

The best ones out of these were the shimmery neutrals – I don’t want this post to be all about these eye shadows but they were quite good.

Wet n Wild Mega protein mascara
This offered some definition but no volume. It also couldn’t hold a curl very well. and it smudged under my eyes. I wouldn’t use this again.

Wet n Wild color icon Kohl liners in Taupe of the Mornin’, and Pretty in Mink
While these 2 liners are from the same line, they do not carry out the same. The dark brown Mink shade was much drier in formula which made it challenging to apply on my upper lash line, however it applied nicely on my brows. The Taupe shade was much creamier which I didn’t like for my brows but  it hardly showed up when I used it to line my lower lash line. I wish I hadn’t purchased this shade – it was essentially useless. These were made in Mexico, I stand corrected, not everything I got was made in China.

Wet n Wild MegaLast Lip color in Mocha-licious
The colour was less scary than I thought it would be. I found this formula to be a bit drying though. I would mix this with a nude coloured gloss to get a much more wearable formula / colour.  It wore well – long lasting around 4 hours before requiring a touch-up.

W7 12 hour HD foundation in Buff
THIS was the star of the whole challenge! I’m SO amazed with this foundation! It applied flawlessly with either my fingers or with a Beuaty Blender type sponge. It has a light / medium coverage that was buildable. The concealer I got [turned out to be] pretty useless and this foundation was used under my eyes to conceal – it covered well and didn’t crease. It has a satin finish and also good oil control. Honestly, if I did not know this was a $5 foundation, I would have thought it was something from Sephora or a department store.

The shade Buff [turned out to be] a ideal match for me. I would repurchase this foundation in a heartbeat!  I guess the main downside of this would be the shade selection – if Buff was the lightest shade available and I’m around MAC NC20, then there’s a bunch of people who will find this too dark for them.

LA color pressed Powder in Beige
This was the second best item from this challenge – a really good powder with good coverage and good oil control. I wore this for at least 5 hours before I had any shine, and even then, it was really subtle. The shade beige was slightly too dark for me but I applied lightly and it wasn’t noticeable.

LA color concealer in Light
Pretty useless. This was the lightest colour available which was too dark for me. It practically had a peachy shade so I used it as a corrector of sorts – but it didn’t offer much coverage whatsoever – I applied the foundation over top which worked out fairly well.

In hindsight, I could have done away with the Taupe eye liner and the concealer and saved myself $3.49 – then I would have come under $20.  I really delighted in this challenge! It got me outside of my comfort zone with makeup brands and allowed me to explore multiple uses for products. I’m very pleased to have discovered that W7 foundation – I might check out other W7 cosmetics (any recommendations?)

How do you think I did?  Have you ever done the $20 makeup Challenge? I dare you!

Please go check out MyStyleInsideOut’s post to find out how well she did!

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Stejně jako načítání …


February 2016 Low-Buy AccountabilityThis is the first check-in for my 2016 Low-Buy. Za únor jsem přidělil 50 dolarů na make-up. Podařilo se mi zůstat v mém rozpočtu! 😀 My first makeup purchase of February was in my lush haul at the beginning of the month where I purchased the Sophisticated cream Eyeshadow for $19.95…
March 2, 2016In “Beauty”

Project Pan 12 Collab: Podzim 2016 EdiceHappy Day! Doufám, že se vám líbí dlouhý víkend! A přivítá vítejte na jiném Collab s Canuck Gang! We are once again, trying to chip away at some charm products in our stash. Tentokrát si vybráme 12 položek, které chcete zkusit Pan / Prázdný. Délka tohoto …
September 5, 2016In “BeAuty ”

Listopad 2016 s nízkým nákupem odpovědnosti. Listopad low-buy byl mnohem spíš jako jdi koupit … Chci říct, co jsem očekával? Sephora VIB Prodej a černý pátek – proč musí být spolu ve stejném měsíci? Také jsem si koupil nějaké věci z vítězů a Avon. : Jejda: Sephora Vib Sale Staul Počítání pouze make-up položky, s …
6. prosince 2016 ‘krása “

Alergika na výzvu “E” Identifikujte

Tato identifikace je tak zlo!

Byl jsem identifikován rubem, aby to udělal – co je to, zeptáte se?


Napište odstavec (zvuky snadné, vpravo?) Bez jakéhokoliv slova sestávajícího z písmene “E” (stále snadné?).

Tímto přečtete, jste se již zaregistrováni.

Chcete-li tuto výzvu udělat alespoň 5 bloggerů. Musí to dokončit do 24 hodin nebo jiného, ​​že je považován za selhání.

Pokud selže nebo projdeš, trpíte na stránce lame.

Pokud vyhrajete, Wallow na stránce slávy.

A uvažuji o tom, že nechci o být na stránce lame, tady jde!

Naše nadcházející výlet je jen asi půl měsíce daleko! Začínám hromadit malé sklenice vylití výrobků, jako je šampon, krém a opalovací krém k balení našich tašek. Nevím, co oblečení přinese díky svým sandálům, šortkám, nádržím a plaveckým plavidlům, stále v naší zámeční jednotce. Na naší dovolené nemůžu přinést parky, boty nebo vlněné nádherné! Je to asi tip, že musím táhnout můj zadek do té jednotky, co?

[Geez jsem si ho potila, ale ve skutečnosti to nebylo příliš hrozné! Myslel jsem, že 5 vět, které mají být považovány za odstavec.]

Můj seznam kandidátů suckers:
• Styledwithjoy.
• Fivero.
• střízlivé ramblings o životě a make-upu
• Pudlky inkoustu
• Postoj Brash

Máte až 21:00 EDT 23.června 2015 udělat tuto značku!

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Stejně jako načítání …


Favorites Tagi právě viděl, že se identifikuje na odvolací podnik a spěchal, aby to udělal, protože mám teď bit chladného ideálu (UGH léto nachlazení jsou jámy) a já jsem chtěl udělat povznášející příspěvek! (A stále jsem se nedostal k dokončení toho mamutu “50 …
30. srpna 2015 ‘Beauty ”

Poznejte mě značku, odvolání Blogger Editioni byl identifikován okouzlujícím Ryane Zamora Appeal to udělat. Málo věděla, že tajně udělám toto identifikovat, i když mě nikdo neidentifikoval (ale teď vypadám, že mám přátele, a já jsem v pohodě.) Viděl jsem to identifikovat.
21. dubna 2015 ‘Beauty ”

Skutečný úhledný blog oceněn byl trojnásobek nominován nedávno pro skutečný úhledný blog ocenění! : D pravidla! 1) Umístěte logo ocenění na svůj blog. 2) Odpověď 7 Otázky položené osobou, která vás jmenovala. 3) Děkuji osobě, která vás nominovala, propojila se s jejich blogem. 4) Nominujte libovolný počet bloggerů …
25. dubna 2015In “krása”

Makeup as well as charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 707

feeling the spirit!

Takže … Jaký je pondělní průzkum?

Výborná otázka! It isn’t, as opposed to its name, an actual poll, like with bit clicky buttons. It’s just a listing of much more or less random concerns I’ve been publishing on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Where did you put your makeup on today?

In my office, at my desk. It was early when I put it on as well as that space has the very best illumination in the house. (Side note: I saw a lady putting on makeup in her cars and truck the other day, which is why I believed of this question.)

2. What does your winter season coat look like?

On truly chilly days (well, chilly for California), I wear a khaki puffer coat, as well as on days when it’s raining, I wear a yellow rain coat.


3. have you ever gone with a roller blading phase?

LOL, yeah, in college. during my last two years I roller bladed everywhere. Honestly, it’s a miracle I didn’t break anything, as well as I still can’t believe I did all that blading while bring a heavy backpack.

4. exactly how carefully do you plan your holiday gift giving? Do you stick carefully to your listing or do you shop on the fly?

I autumn somewhere in the middle. I typically begin with a listing as well as get as much as I can, however I likewise like to pick up fun extras as well as stocking stuffers if I see things that the person may like while I’m out as well as about.

5. A conventional dish/food you typically have during the holidays?

Leche flan, which is like the Filipino version of creme brulee.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

6. explain your hair today in three words.

A touch unruly.

7. solid leggings or printed leggings?

I’ll choose the solid leggings, in a dark color — navy or black.

8. Something stylish you utilized to do when you were a kid?

When I was in middle institution all the women used two pairs of slouchy socks. To do it right, they had to be different colors — black as well as pink, or black as well as white, for example. Oh, as well as the chunkier the slouchy socks were, the better.

9. Red eyeshadow or eco-friendly eyeshadow?

Green, please. emerald or khaki!

Vaše přátelské komunitní kouzlo závisí,



P.S. Právě tady jsou obavy z kopírování / vložení s vašimi odpověďmi v komentáři. Promluvte si s YA brzy.

1. Where did you put your makeup on today?
2. What does your winter season coat look like?
3. have you ever gone with a roller blading phase?
4. exactly how carefully do you plan your holiday gift giving? Do you stick carefully to your listing or do you shop on the fly?
5. A conventional dish/food you typically have during the holidays?
6. explain your hair today in three words.
7. solid leggings or printed leggings?
8. Something stylish you utilized to do when you were a kid?
9. Red eyeshadow or eco-friendly eyeshadow?

P.p.S. great morning as well as pleased Monday, wonderful friend! I hope your week is relaxed as well as productive!

Nuworld Botanicals Cold-pressed organic Sea buckthorn & Jojoba oil

In late August, I got a few products from Nuworld Botanicals to try:

I showed this in my August accountability post.
I did not choose the certain products – I explained a few of my likes as well as dislikes, together with my skin type as well as worries – as well as left it as much as Nuworld Botanicals to surprise me! Today I’m examining the very first product that I’ve been testing for the past month, the Cold-pressed organic Sea buckthorn & Jojoba oil:

If you’ve been a visitor of this blog, you’ll understand that I like oils for all kind of beautifying aspects: cleansing, hydrating as well as protecting. So exactly how does this oil from Nuword Botanical stack up against other oils I’ve tried?

It was like at very first use! You understand exactly how often you requirement to utilize a product a few times to type an viewpoint about it? Not with this. The very first night I utilized this, I already understood this product was a winner.

What made this so great? The texture. It’s like silk.  It takes in into my skin quickly, leaving my skin plumped as well as looking radiant!

What was in this magical golden potion?  I understood that cold-pressed oils are remarkable than hot-pressed oils considering that they maintain a lot more antioxidant as well as benefits. however I couldn’t find any literature for this product as well as there was no label on the back of the bottle. So I reached out to Natalie Cascella, the creator as well as president of Nuworld Botanicals for the low-down. She encouraged that this oil is a new product from their just recently opened Raw Skincare Bar as well as shop in Oakville (for non-locals, Oakville is a lovely suburban town about 40km south of Toronto) – the oil is so new that it’s not even offered for purchase on the internet yet. Here’s what’s in this product, in Natalie’s words:

The deal with oil is one of our 3 home blends called “Balancing deal with Oil Blend”- appropriate for ALL skin types.
It’s 100% natural as well as pure oil blend, hand-crafted with just 5 cold-pressed as well as organic oils as follows:
Cold-pressed organic Jojoba Oil, Seabuckthorn Oil, Rosehip Oil, Meadowfoam Oil as well as Safflower Oil.
It’s packed with natural anti-oxidants as well as vitamins A, C, E plus Omega 3, 6, 9; rich in important fatty acids (hence the plumping of the skin).
Use on deal with everyday – day as well as night. A bit goes a long way!

I only requirement 3 drops for my whole face.
I like that it consists of simple, sincere ingredients. as well as they work. I’ve been having some skin problems from travelling as well as the weather condition getting cooler – the structure of my skin felt rough as well as dehydrated. Over time, this oil assisted to bring back my skin as well as the structure has evened out.  I often utilize this alone, or if I requirement additional moisture, I’ll apply a night cream on top so this acts as a serum.

I likewise noted that this oil doesn’t leave a shiny surface on the skin. This got me believing – might I potentially utilize this oil for the day time? I made a decision to try mixing this into my foundation, which has been a hot appeal idea ever considering that Wayne Goss published this video last year.

I made a decision to test it with Illamasqua Skin Base, which is a thicker structure foundation that can look cakey if not sheered out properly.

The incorporation of the Nuworld Botanicals Cold-pressed oil worked very well for this function too. It made the foundation apply smoothly as well as my skin felt moisturized all day.  I’m so happy to have tried this oil!

• Silky texture
• takes in quickly
• leaves skin plump
• Bez zápachu
• Natural, organic ingredients

• Not widely available

Stash worthiness: 10/10

I always ask myself this concern if I get something for complimentary – would I repurchase this with my own money? as well as with the situation of this oil – YES, I would! This retails for C$28 for a 30 ml bottle which I believe is exceptionally reasonable. It is currently only offered at the Raw Skincare Bar, however will soon be offered for purchase on the internet if you’re not able to trip to the Oakville store. I quote a bottle would last around 6 months with everyday use.

Other Nuworld Botanical products are offered on the internet, or from – I’ll be examining the other products I received coming up soon.

Note: this product was sent to me complimentary of charge and I developed my own thoughts as well as opinions about it.

Do you utilize a deal with oil?  Have you ever utilized a product as well as fell in like with it the very first time you utilized it?

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Stejně jako načítání …


Nuworld botanicals aromaterapie personals-to znamená rozdíl jednoho dne. Udělal jsem si včasné rozhodnutí o propuštění blogů – jen nemohl shromáždit autentickou míru zájmu po výsledcích amerických voleb. Ale myslím, že velmi nejlepší metoda ke kroku kolem šoku je obnovit typickou aktivitu. Dnes vykazuji několik šikovných kapesných aromaterapeutických prostředků …
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2. září 2016 ‘krása “

Nejlepší psí kandál narozenin překvapení

Je to moje narozeniny dnes woohoo!
Chcete-li oslavit, pojďme si prohlédnout tento psí k narozeninám:

Miluji toto video!
(Stále na útěk – omluva, pokud neodpovím své komentáře nejlépe pryč)

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Stejně jako načítání …


Blogmas Day 2: Nevýrazné vánoční svetr je zábavný jeden pro den 2 blogmas! Promluvme si o nevzhledných vánočních svetrech. : D Jedná se o skutečné svetry na Sears: oni byli jen smíšeni mezi běžnými dámy “- jsem upřímně nejsem si jistý, jestli byli ironie, nebo to jsou upřímní vánoční svetry. : lol: i …
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25 Fakta Abajte Me Tagsomething Dnes Dnes místo recenze – jsem neudělal štítek ve věku. Viděl jsem to na pouzdro make-upu a musel jsem na to udělat svůj vlastní točit. 😉 Jaké je tvé prostřední jméno? Křeček. Straně Hoarder je moje jméno, nenosit to! : P Co bylo …
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17. prosince 2015 ‘General “

Makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 715

It’s going to be a delightful day!

Takže … Jaký je pondělní průzkum?

Výborná otázka! It isn’t, in contrast to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of a lot more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Tulips, roses or daisies?

I love them all, but today I’ll choose pink roses.

2. What’s the most challenging thing about eyeliner for you?

There are so lots of things, OMG. By far the most challenging, though, is getting the lines to look even. My ideal eye is slightly bigger and a lot more hooded than my left, so I have to adjust how high up I take the liner and how far out. If I don’t account for the difference, my eyes appear asymmetrical.


3. Besides a good color match, what do you look for in a concealer?

I’m so picky about concealer, especially in the under-eye area. My primary thing is that it cannot clear up into my fine lines. ANI NÁHODOU! Ne, díky.

4. Cake today?

Cake every day!

5. Boots or sneakers?

Sneakers, 100%. I never know when I need to chase after a child, and sneakers are much a lot more conducive to impromptu sprints.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

6. have you ever had to break up a cat fight?

Thankfully, no. We’re a one cat family.

7. What’s worse: pants that are too tight or an ill-fitting bra?

Both are dreadful and remind me of lots of bad dates in the ’90s. too tight pants would be worse, though. At least you can take off your bra, you know? I mean, you could take off your pants, but then it would be a absolutely different party…

8. What’s your hairstyle for the day?

Half up, half down with a high pony tied with a scarf.

9. Something you’re looking forward to this week?

I just ran out of my favorite Ilia eyeliner, so I need to make a Sephora stop this week. Zábava!

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,



P.S. Zde jsou otázky pro kopírování / vložení s odpověďmi v komentáři. Brzy promluvte.

1. Tulips, roses or daisies?
2. What’s the most challenging thing about eyeliner for you?
3. Besides a good color match, what do you look for in a concealer?
4. Cake today?
5. Boots or sneakers?
6. have you ever had to break up a cat fight?
7. What’s worse: pants that are too tight or an ill-fitting bra?
8. What’s your hairstyle for the day?
9. Something you’re looking forward to this week?

P.p.S. delighted Monday to you, friend. I hope that you’re feeling rested and ready for the week. Let’s do our best to lift each other up today, OK? You’re doing great, so hang in there!